Town Infrastructure
Code Enforcement Officer
Mike Connors
The Code Enforcement Officer is located at:
Gouldsboro Town Office
59 Main Street
Prospect Harbor, ME. 04669
p: 207.546.0940
f: 207.963.2986
Are you building a house and have questions about naming the road?
What we need:
– A letter with your full name & address
– Where the house is or will be located (map & lot numbers please (See Assessor’s Page))
– Name of abutters that live or own property on either side of you
– The name you wish the road to be called
Code Enforcement
When is a building permit required?
– A building permit is required for construction or alteration of any building or structure
– Installing a swimming pool of any kind
– Demolition of a structure (asbestos hazard determination may be required)
– Change in use or occupancy of any structure
– Buildings and structures moved into or within the Town of Gouldsboro – regardless of size
– Fill, grade, dredge, or harvest timber in any Shoreland or Resource Protection Area
– Piers, docks, and wharves
– Driveway opening permit from DOT on a State roadway
Land Development
Permits are required for any subdivision of land or construction of any building. Driveway permits are required and may be requested of the Code Enforcement Officer at the Town Office.
Road Commissioner
The Road Commissioner is responsible for reporting and overseeing issues with locally owned roads by the Town of Gouldsboro. This does not include private roads, driveways, or State owned public ways. Heavy loads operating on town roads fall under the Road Commissioner.
Heavy Loads and Local Roads in Maine fall under authority of 29-A MRSA, Section 2395, all public roads may be temporarily posted to prevent abuse by heavy vehicles. The statute states that all municipal officers (not officials), the MDOT, and county commissioners “may adopt such rules to ensure proper use and prevent abuse of the public ways … whenever those ways require special protection”. Typically, these conditions are present during freeze/thaw periods or storm damage. Roads affected will be clearly marked.
Town Infrastructure
The Supervisor of Town Infrastructure is responsible for the daily operation, maintenance, and landscaping of all town owned and maintained properties. Some of these properties include, but are not limited to the former DOT Lot on Rt. 1, Jones Pond Recreation Area, town office, fire department buildings, and park facilities.
For any Plumbing inquires, please call our interim LPI Millard Billings at 207.812.2383.
Looking for a septic system permit? Here is the link for the Maine Septic System Search.
Click here to view the town ordinances or you can also click the “ordinances” tab at the top of the screen.
Building Permit Application
Site Plan Review Application
Code Enforcement Notice