Town of Gouldsboro Committees
The elected and appointed officials who serve the community of Gouldsboro are a dedicated group who put serving the public above all else.
If you are interested in running for an elected position with the town, please contact the Town Clerk. If you are interested in serving on a town board or committee please write a letter of interest to the Town Manager. Both the Clerk and Manager can be reached at the Town Office during regular business hours. (Terms usually expire in June of the year posted.)
Board of Appeals
Dale Church (Term expires 2025)
Barbara Bateman (Term expires 2026)
Kate Mccloud (Term expires 2027)
Schoodic Peninsula
Broadband Committee
Bob Bostinto, Co-Chair
Roy Gott, Co-Chair
Rhiannon Alley
Sandy Fortin
Mark Perka
Mike Summerer
Tom Towle
Budget Committee
(Appointed at Town Meeting)
Dwight Rodgers, Chair (Term expires 2025)
Jay Bricker (Term expires 2026)
Roger Dean (Term expires 2027)
AJ Higgins (Term expires 2026)
Raymond Jones (Term expires 2027)
Larry Peterson (Term expires 2027)
Tim Smith (Term expires 2026)
Paul Stewart (Term expires 2025)
Brenda Clough (Term expires 2025)
Vacant, ALT (Term expires 2024)
Vacant, ALT (Term expires 2024)
Coastal Resilience Committee
(Appointed at June Select Board meeting)
Bill Zoellick, Chair
Brett Binns
Tim Fisher
Tom McKeag
Jonathan Renwick
Dwight Rodgers
Cynthia Thayer
Conservation Committee
Harbor Committee
(Appointed at June Select Board meeting)
Michael Pinkham, Harbormaster
John Chipman Sr. (Term expires 2027)
Ben Follette (Term expires 2026)
Patrick Presnell (Term expires 2026)
Chris Urquhart (Term expires 2025)
Patrick Weaver (Term expires 2025)
Planning Board
(Votes cast at Elections, Appointed at Town Meeting)
Raymond Jones, Chair (Term expires 2025)
Jeff Grant, Vice Chair (Term expires 2025)
Deirdre McArdle, Secretary (Term expires 2026)
Steven “Shepsi” Eaton (Term expires 2026)
AJ Higgins (Term expires 2027)
Deborah Bisson, ALT (Term expires 2025)
Jed West, ALT (Term expires 2025)
CEO – Mike Connors
Comprehensive Plan
Recreation Committee
(Appointed at June Select Board meeting)
Rachel Hudson (Term expires June 2027)
Mariela “Cookie” Church (Term expires June 2027)
Vacant (Term expires June 2027)
Road Commissioner
Mike Connors
RSU 24 Representative
(Votes cast at Elections, Appointed at Town Meeting)
Mary Cowperthwaite (Term expires 2027)
Shellfish Committee
Mike Pinkham, Warden
Wayne Bishko, Chair (Term expires 1/30/2025)
Allan B. Church (Term expires 1/30/2025)
Allan N. Church (Term expires 1/30/2025)
Mike Cronin (Term expires 1/30/2025)
David Deniger (Term expires 1/30/2025)
Solid Waste Committee
Raymond Jones, Chair (Term expires June 2025)
Dave Hottle (Term expires June 2025)
Jerry Kron (Term expires June 2025)
Annetje Meyer (Term expires June 2025)
Rebecca O’Keefe (Term expires June 2025)
Pat Weaver (Term expires June 2025)
Stephanie Ingignoli (Term expires June 2025)
Veterans Affairs Advisor
James Guest
Veterans Committee Website
Veterans Committee Facebook Page
Assessor’s Office
Zeb Pike, RJD Appraisal
Pamela Linscott, Assessor’s Assistant
Civil Emergency Preparedness Director
Jackie Johnston
Code Enforcement Officer
Mike Connors
E-911 Coordinator
Mike Connors
Emergency Plan Coordinator
Jackie Johnston
Fire Department
(Fire Chief & Assistant Chief appointed at June Select Board Meeting)
Chief Ken Monroe (Term expires June 2025)
Gary Greenlaw, Assistant Chief (Term expires June 2025)
Brianna Mitchell, Secretary + Treasurer
Fire Department Facebook Page
Hancock County Planning Commission
Raymond Jones (Term expires 2025)
Deborah Bisson (Term expires 2025)
Dierdre McArdle, ALT (Term expires 2025)
Harbor Masters
Michael Pinkham, Harbor Master
Michael Hunt, Deputy
Health Officer
(Appointed at Select Board meeting)
Ken Monroe (Term expires June 2025)
Jones Pond Caretaker
Marcia Messier
Newsletter Coordinator
Brianna Mitchell
Josh McIntyre, Editor
Overseer of the Poor
Josh McIntyre
Plumbing Inspector
Millard Billings, Interim
Police Department
James Malloy, Officer in Charge
Officer Wayne Robbins
Officer Damon Dore
Bill Kalutkiewicz, Evidence + Records Custodian
Registrar of Voters
(Appointed at December Select Board Meeting)
Rachel Hudson (Term expires 12/31/2024)
Brianna Mitchell, Deputy
Magen Merchant, Deputy
Schoodic Byway Committee
(Appointed at June Select Board Meeting)
Thomas Towle
Select Board
(Votes cast at Elections, Appointed at Town Meeting)
Dana Rice Sr, Chair (Term expires June 2026)
Robert Harmon, Vice (Term expires June 2027)
Danny Mitchell Jr. (Term expires June 2027)
Peter McKenzie (Term expires June 2025)
Jackie Weaver (Term expires June 2025)
Shellfish Warden
Michael Pinkham
Snow Plow Contractor (Expires June 30, 2027)
Dana Rice Jr.
Town Clerks
Brianna Mitchell, Town Clerk
Rachel Hudson, Deputy Clerk
Magen Merchant, Deputy Clerk
Tax Collector
Josh McIntyre
Town Manager
Josh McIntyre
Town Report Coordinator
Brianna Mitchell
Transfer Station Contractor (Expires June 2026)
Schoodic Curbside Recycling
Aleta Fusco, Treasurer
Josh McIntyre, Deputy Treasurer