☘️ Here is the RFP bid packet for a five-year contract for trash collection for the Town of Gouldsboro beginning July 1, 2025. Bids must be submitted on or before 4PM on April 8, 2025. Bids will be publicly opened during the Select Board meeting at 5PM on April 10, 2025 at the Town Office. Bidders must submit their bids on the enclosed bid form.

☘️ Nomination papers for the Town Municipal Election are available at the Town Office Monday, March 3, 2025. Terms to expire: (2) 3-year terms for Select Board, (2) 3-year terms for Planning Board. Papers must be returned to the Town Office no later than 1PM on Friday, April 11, 2025 to be valid.

☘️ Second payment of property taxes are due March 31st, We offer online service where you can pay your taxes at https://epayment.informe.org/payportonline/disclaimer/1502. If you are paying with a card over the phone, at the Town Office or online, there is a 2.5% fee for anything over $40.

☘️ Following budget meetings to be held at regularly – scheduled Select Board meetings: April 10th, April 24th, with a final meeting held on May 8th.

☘️ March 2025 Newsletter

Harbor Committee Meeting at the Town Office – April 3rd at 5PM.

Shellfish Committee at Fire Station #3 – April 9th at 6PM.