Office Services
The Gouldsboro Town Office is located at:
59 Main Street
Prospect Harbor, ME. 04669
Mailing address is:
Prospect Harbor, ME. 04669
p: (207) 963.5589
f: (207) 963.2986
Monday + Wednesday 8 – 4PM
Tuesday 8 – 5PM
Thursday 8 – 6PM
Friday 8 – 1PM
Below is a listing of some of the many value-added services that we provide to our community every day.
- Licenses available: marriage, births, Dogs, Fish & Game, liquor, entertainment
- Collect Taxes.
- Maintain and provide certified copies of birth, death, and marriage records.
- Register to vote and vote by absentee.
- Notary services.
- Maintain cemetery dispositions.
- Motor vehicle, ATV, boat, snowmobile, and trailer registrations.
Dog Registration
You may register your dog in person at the Town Office or online at
What we need:
– The dog’s current rabies certificate
– Spay or neuter certificate, if applicable
The cost is $11 or $6 for spayed or neutered dogs. To register online, have your credit or debit card ready. You will receive your registration tag by mail if you register online.
If you have problems with a dog, please contact the Gouldsboro Police Department at (207) 667.8866.
Chapter 721 : Dog Licenses
Chapter 725 : Municipal Duties Heading
Getting married in Maine?!
Check out for more information.
Marriage intentions application
Marriage certificate request form
General Assistance
The General Assistance application can be picked up in person at the Town Office or download the fillable General Assistance Application.
Persons who wish to apply for General Assistance may do so at the Town Office during our normal business hours.
In emergency, applicants may contact
HANCOCK COUNTY DISPATCH, at (207) 667-8866.
The municipality’s General Assistance Administrator must issue a written decision within 24 hours of receiving an application with supporting documentation. If the application does not have the correct supporting documentation attached, the administrator will get in contact with you to be sure we collect what is needed to determine eligibility. The Department of Health & Human Services’ toll-free telephone number, to call with a question regarding General Assistance Program, is 1-800-442-6003.
Hunting & Fishing Licenses
You may acquire a hunting or fishing license in person at the Town Office or online. To do this online, please visit State of Maine Moses System.
Inland Fisheries & Wildlife price guide for registrations
Motor Vehicle Registrations
Re-registering a Motor Vehicle? What we need:
Current effective insurance card, old registration, mileage.
You can re-register your vehicle online, Here (State of Maine Online Registration).
Looking to reserve your current chickadee plate number before the change to the new plate May 1, 2025?
Click here to reserve your current plate number! There is a $25 reserve fee.
Here are some important things to know about registering a vehicle in Maine:
Have you recently purchased a new vehicle from a dealer? What we’ll need:
- Blue title application form
- Bill of sale showing you paid sales tax
- Current effective insurance card showing the new vehicle
- Current mileage
- If you purchased more than one item resulting in one bill of sale, please be prepared to show the amounts paid for each
Have you purchased a vehicle from a private sale? What we’ll need:
- Bill of Sale that includes date, price, VIN, description of vehicle, and signatures of both the Buyer and Seller
- A title is needed if the vehicle is newer than 1995 and you will also need
- Proof of insurance
- Current mileage
Moving from another state and need to register your vehicle in Maine? What we’ll need:
- Vehicle registration from previous state (Current registration)
- Current effective insurance card
- Title if it is a 1995 and newer
- Current mileage of vehicle
- Lien holder information paperwork (if applicable)
We take all newsletter submissions by the 21st of each month. Anything after that may or may not make it into the newsletter, depending on time and space! Also, if you would like to have an insert included in the newsletter, please call the Town Office to speak to the Newsletter Coordinator. Must submit to:
As of August 2024, we no longer mail the monthly newsletters. You can find them on our website or at the local post offices; Birch Harbor, Corea, Gouldsboro and Prospect Harbor.
The Town Office NO longer processes passports. For US Passport Information click here.
Plumbing Permit
Fee Schedule for Indoor Plumbing:
- $10 per Fixture
- $10 for Hookup
- $265 Septic Design
- $125 with Variance
- $150 Leach Field
- $100 Tank Replacement Only
Town Rentals: Recreational Center and Community Center
The Rec Center is located at 679 Pond Road. The Prospect Harbor Women’s Club is located beside the Town Office at 61 Main Street. The Town Park is located at 33 Main Street. These town facilities can be rented for a fee with proof of liability insurance to cover your event. The application is below and includes how to get liability insurance coverage. Download the Gouldsboro Rental Application.
Town Report
2023 Gouldsboro Town Report (Current)
2022 Gouldsboro Town Report
2021 Gouldsboro Town Report
2020 Gouldsboro Town Report
2019 Gouldsboro Town Report
2018 Gouldsboro Town Report
2017 Gouldsboro Town Report
Trash Pick-up
The town has curbside pick-up of trash every Thursday. Trash must be put out by 7 AM, total weight in the trash can must not exceed 40 pounds without additional stickers. Trash not in bags (regardless of being in a trash can) will NOT be picked up and each bag needs a tag if not accompanied with a trash can. Bags with partial trash tag stickers, cash, or IOU’s will NOT be picked up. Trash stickers can be purchased in-person at the Town Office. You may put cardboard out for trash pickup placed in a clear plastic bag and does not require a trash tags.
Corrugated cardboard can be broken down and put in a clear trash bag without a tag.
Restricted Items for Trash Pickup:
Propane Tanks
Chemicals (of any kind)
Hazardous Waste
Special Waste
Dead Animals or portions of
Human, Dog or Cat Waste
Pathological Waste
Light Bulbs
Yard Waste (sticks, leaves, wood, grass clippings, sweeping materials)
Televisions (all types)
Small Appliances
White Goods
Nothing containing Freon
Construction or Demo Debris
Transfer Station
Click here to view the Transfer Station Brochure.
Transfer Station is located at:
53 Walters Road
Gouldsboro, ME
Please respect the 10 MPH speed limit while on Transfer Station grounds and be ready to comply with inspection and directions given by the attendant.
Hours of Operation:
Friday: 12PM – 4PM
Sunday: 10AM – 4PM
The Town of Gouldsboro has a Transfer Station which receives and temporarily stores demolition and bulky waste. Usage of the Transfer Station is subject to the following guidelines:
The Following are Acceptable Items:
• Appliances
• Brush Only (no tree stumps) This is now required as a punch on your punch card as of 9/1/23.
• Construction & Demolition Debris
• Tin cans
• Tires With or Without Rims (fee has to be paid at the Town Office before drop off)
• Furniture
• Empty or dried paint cans
• Other Bulky Waste Items Not Prohibited Below
The Following Items are Prohibited:
• Cardboard
• Batteries
• Special Hazardous Waste
• Household Rubbish
• Big Box & Flat Panel Televisions
• Computers
• Fluorescent Bulbs
Any resident wishing to use the Transfer Station is required to purchase a sticker at the Town Office for $1. You will also need to purchase a punch card for $25. Each trip to the transfer station will be one punch on the card. Once you have used all 5 punches, if you need to bring more to the Transfer Station you will need to come to the Town Office to purchase another punch card for $25. If you have any questions, call the Town Office at 963-5589. Contractors are subjected to different fees listed below. (CONTRACTOR/COMMERCIAL LOADS MUST BE FROM GOULDSBORO PROPERTIES. NO EXCEPTIONS.)
Rate Schedule:
Tires (without rims): $5
Tires (with rims): $10
Truck Tires (without rims): $20
Truck Tires (with rims): $40
Propane Tanks: $10
Items Containing Refrigerant/Freon: $20
Transfer Station Pricing for Contract/Commercial Users:
Contractor/Commercial User, Pickup or Small Trailer of Construction Debris: $60 per load in addition to the annual transfer pass.
Contractor/Commercial User, Pickup or Small Trailer of Clean Wood & Scrap Metal: $40 per load in addition to the annual transfer pass.
Transfer passes and contractor load fees must be paid for in-person at the Town Office. Prepay at the Town Office before off-loading at the Transfer Station.
Treasurer & Tax Collection
Our property tax year is April 1st – March 31st. Our fiscal year is July 1st – June 30th. Tax bills are mailed in August, include two coupons, and are due: October 31st (1st coupon) and March 31st (2nd coupon). Interest begins the day after due dates, November 1st and April 1st, respectively. If you escrow your taxes, you must provide your mortgage holder with the tax bill or a copy.
Voting Information
Registering to vote and voting by absentee ballot information in the Town of Gouldsboro for all Federal Elections – Please click here. The Annual Municipal Election of Municipal Officials and State Elected Officials is generally held in June. The General Election is held on the first Tuesday in November. All voting is held at the Gouldsboro Community Center at 679 Pond Road from 8AM – 8PM. If you would like to work at the polls on Election Day or need additional information, please call the Town Office at 963.5589.
Job Application – Application to apply for Town of Gouldsboro jobs
Rental Contract Form – Required form to rent a municipal building for an event
General Assistance Application – Apply for General Assistance with the town
Birth Certificate Request Form – Form to request a Certified Birth Certificate copy
Marriage Certificate Request Form – Form to request a Marriage Certificate
Death Certificate Request Form – Form to request a Certified Death Certificate
Useful Links
2024 Camoin Housing Study
2020 Census for Gouldsboro
Your Right to Vote in ME
Voter Eligibility in Maine
ME Election Laws
State Election Information Secretary of State
Absentee Voting in Maine