Department Delivers Gifts; Attends Training

On 12/14/2018 Officer Shively and Brown visited Peninsula CSD for the “mitten tree” event where students were provided with donated mittens from the community.

On 12/17/2018 Officer Shively and Chief Dunbar gathered gifts for families in the community provided by the Acadia Women’s Club in cooperation with Peninsula CSD. Officer Shively distributed the gifts to different homes for the holidays throughout the week.

On 12/20/2018 Officer Brown visited Peninsula CSD for the school’s holiday celebration.

On 12/27/2018 Chief Dunbar attended the Gouldsboro Selectmen’s meeting.

On 1/09/2019 Officer Brown and Officer Shively attended training at the Bangor Police Department for OUI investigations. The training was sponsored by the Maine Bureau of Highway Safety. Topics included but were not limited to: NHTSA standardized field sobriety exercises, arrest decision, the elements of OUI, chemical testing, report writing and courtroom testimony.

On 1/09/2019 Officer Shively assisted the Maine State Police on the Mud Creek Road in Lamoine by administering an evidentiary blood draw at a fatal crash investigation.

On 1/10/2019 Chief Dunbar attended a training in Sullivan at the Sullivan Town Office pertaining to the use of a dynamic feedback speed sign. The sign is a $3700 value and was acquired by the department through the MDOT free of charge. The sign will be utilized throughout Gouldsboro to monitor traffic speed and gather data on a mobile trailer.

On 1/11/2019 Chief Dunbar and Officer Shively assisted Lifeline Food Pantry on the South Gouldsboro Road with stocking food for upcoming drives.

On 1/16/2019 Officer Brown, Officer Shively, and Chief Dunbar will be attending a Suspicious Death Investigation training at the Winter Harbor Town Office. The training is hosted by the Winter Harbor Police Department. The instructor is Detective Greg Mitchell of the Maine State Police Major Crimes Unit North.

On 1/29/2019 Chief Dunbar will be attending the RSU Transportation Board meeting to discuss RSU 24’s position on purchasing new school speed limit signs on Main Street that would illuminate during school speed zone hours.

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Here are the results of the Housing Study completed by Camoin Associates!

**Please be aware, Mooring fees are due by July 1st and can be paid until August 30th without penalty. Starting September 1st, a late fee of $25 will be charged to any unpaid mooring permits.**