
Gouldsboro Scuttlebutt

Scuttlebutt is Gouldsboro’s newly published guide for folks who have just come to Gouldsboro or are thinking about buying property here. As Scuttlebutt says in its introduction, “Gouldsboro’s economy and character depend on sustaining a working waterfront rooted in an attentive, respectful relationship to the sea.” The booklet explains what that means. Thank you to the Gouldsboro Shore volunteers for putting this beautifully illustrated book together!

Links Around Town

Below are some useful links to other areas of interest within our community. Please know that these sites are maintained separately from the Town of Gouldsboro.

Town Office Staff

We have a great team of dedicated employees to help with your everyday town office tasks and always have a notary public present. Our staff is friendly and eager to assist!

Josh McIntyre

Town Manager - Tax Collector - Deputy Treasurer

Email: town.manager@gouldsborotown.com

Brianna L. Mitchell

Town Clerk - Office Manager - GA Administrator - BMV Agent

Email: bmitchell@gouldsborotown.com

Magen Merchant

Deputy Clerk - Deputy Registrar

Email: mmerchant@gouldsborotown.com

Rachel Hudson

Deputy Clerk - Registrar of Voters

Email: rhudson@gouldsborotown.com

Aleta Fusco


Email: town.treasurer@gouldsborotown.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Town of Gouldsboro’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). We get these questions a lot, so maybe one of these will answer your question.

When and where do I register my dog?

Maine State Law requires that all dogs over 6 months of age be registered in the town in which they reside. We can help you with this at the Town Office.
Registrations run the calendar year. You must have proof of a current rabies vaccination at the time of registration. All registrations are due by December 31 for the next year.

When are ATV registrations due?

ATV registrations run from July 1 – June 30. Registrations for the next year are due by June 30.

What are the hours of the Town Office?

The Town Office’s regular business hours are:
Monday & Wednesday: 8AM – 4PM
Tuesday: 8AM – 5PM
Thursday: 8AM – 6PM
Friday: 8AM – 1PM.

Can I donate to the Gouldsboro Police Department?

Yes, we can accept charitable donations. Funds collected from donations can only be used for specific purposes by the GBPD. At no time does the GBPD solicit charitable donations. To inquire about making a non-solicited donation to the Gouldsboro Police Department, please contact the Gouldsboro Town Office at (207) 963.5589.

Can I donate to the Gouldsboro Fire Department?

Yes, we can accept charitable donations. To inquire about making a charitable donation to the Gouldsboro Fire Department, please contact the Gouldsboro Town Office at (207) 963.5589.

When are property taxes due?

Property taxes are due in two installments. The first on October 31, and the second payment on March 31.

Contact Us

Contact us by phone, email, or stop by at 59 Main Street in Prospect Harbor, Maine.
Phone: (207) 963.5589
Fax: (207) 963.2986

Email: Josh McIntyre – town.manager@gouldsborotown.com
Email: Brianna Mitchell – bmitchell@gouldsborotown.com
Email: Magen Merchant – mmerchant@gouldsborotown.com
Email: Rachel Hudson – rhudson@gouldsborotown.com

Have questions about the website? Email Brianna at bmitchell@gouldsborotown.com.or give her a call at (207) 963.5589.

Town Office Hours:
Monday 8AM – 4PM
Tuesday 8AM – 5PM
Wednesday 8AM – 4 PM
Thursday 8AM – 6PM
Friday 8AM – 1PM
Saturday + Sunday – Closed

☘️ Here is the agenda for the Select Board meeting on March 27, 2025 starting at 5PM at the Town Office. Budget meeting to follow to discuss Fire Dept, EMS Services and Services & Committees.

☘️ Here is the RFP bid packet for a five-year contract for trash collection for the Town of Gouldsboro beginning July 1, 2025. Bids must be submitted on or before 4PM on April 8, 2025. Bids will be publicly opened during the Select Board meeting at 5PM on April 10, 2025 at the Town Office. Bidders must submit their bids on the enclosed bid form.

☘️ Nomination papers for the Town Municipal Election will be available at the Town Office on Monday, March 3, 2025. Terms to expire: two Select Board seats (3-year terms), two Planning Board seats (3-year terms). Papers must be returned to the Town Office no later than 1PM on Friday, April 11, 2025.

☘️ Second payment of property taxes are due March 31st, We offer online service where you can pay your taxes at https://epayment.informe.org/payportonline/disclaimer/1502. If you are paying with a card over the phone, at the Town Office or online, there is a 2.5% charge fee for anything over $40.

☘️ Following budget meetings to be held at regularly – scheduled Select Board meetings: March 27th, April 10th, April 24th, with a final meeting held on May 8th.

☘️ March 2025 Newsletter

Harbor Committee Meeting @ the Town Office April 3rd at 5PM.

Shellfish Committee @ Fire Station #3 April 9th at 6PM.